Kissed by Vampire Part 5


 I only woke up becouse I had mouthful of mud and a lamp of hard dirt as a pillow.
"OW."I sat up, blinking blearily." What the hell, you guys?"
"Shh," Connor hissed at me, his hand covering my mouth.
"We,re not alone." I ould barely hear him, he was speaking so softly. I couldn,t heartbeats or frightened porcupines or twigs snapping under combat boots, but I knew the rest of my brothers could. He drew a sun in the dirt at out feet. I coukd barely make out the shape in the moonlight falling through the branches. Not just vampires then.
The wind was warm, presistent. The crickets had stopped singing ,no doubt sensing predarors in every corner of the forest.This was our forest damn it, The Helios-Ra had no business here.
Shadows flitted between the trees,making an unearthly sigh of displaced air. A vampire screamed and turned to dust, billowing between the leaves. A wooden Helios-Ra stake bit the mape tree behind her as she crumbled. someone screeched. Connor leaped into the fary before I could stop him. Marcus was fighting, and Quinn, of course, who couldn,t be kept from good fight no mater the circumstances. Logan crouched between me and the worst  of it, Duncan wasfarther behind, guarding our back. It was standerd formation, aone any mother drilled into us along with our ABCs and why we mustn,t tell anyone our parents had fangs and drank blood instead of coffee. For my mother to have been trully proud, we should have the high ground.

We didn,t
In fact, we weren,t even all accounted for," Where,s London?"
I asked.
"She took off," Logan answered grimly. "She ran off dow some tunnel while you were napping."
"And you didn,t go after her?"
"Little busy for a temper tantrum."
"She probably feels bad about dragging me to court."
"Too busyfor that,too. She,llbe fine," he added." And anyway she mentiond something about doing some recon of her own. The royal guard should have beed there to protect you if you were such an honored guest.She wants to know what,s going on"
"Everything,s Sad-ass mess, is what,s going on"I muttered Doesn,t take genius to figure taht our
While Logan cleaned up, I took the dog out again. The garden were different at night, scraggly and thick, Crickets sang cheerfully from, the fields bordering the forest. The moon was yellow and hung in a tatter of clouds like lace. Nicholas was standing guard by the back door and scowling into the darkness. His eyes gleamed.
"Hurry up."he said.
"I can,t make  the dogs pee any faster" He didn't look at me turning .
I didn,t even know how far away from the farm we were have slept thruogh a good part of the journey.

Kissed by Vampire Part 4


''You're...m-mortal,'' I finally stammered. I knew Lucy liked to think all vampires had this suave quality, but I so didn't, and not just because I wasn't technically a vampire yet. She was the one with the beaded velvet scarves, and I was the one with the pottery clay dried on my pants. Plus I was totally gaping at him. He was a hunter and he worked for an organization devoted to wiping us out. The sun tattoo was proof enough of that, underscored by his expression: righteous anger.

''I don't get it,'' Lucy whispered to me. ''Who is he?''
''Not one of us,'' I whispered back, my gaze never leaving his. I didn't know what I was reading there, but it was complicated, whatever it was. I'd heard of the cologne some hunters wore; it mimicked vampire pheromones, to take a potential enemy off guard. We'd believed it completely out in the garden, until he'd had to fight my mother, who would have killed him if my Dad hadn't been so adamant about having someone to question.

Nicholas half stepped in front of us, annoyingly overprotective as always. he didn't like surprises and unanswered questions and we'd just had our fill of both. I'd been trained just like they had, but none of my brothers could get it in their thick that I wasn't delicate or defenseless.

The Helios-Ra agent was wearing black nose plugs, which just proved he knew more about us than we knew about him. I reached over and yanked them out.

''What are you doing here?'' I could tell he was trying to hold his breath. I could've told him that strategy never worked for long. He glared at me mutinously.

''Tracking,'' he finally answered on a sharp exhale.
''Let me guess,'' I said, disgusted. Because I'm just so beautiful and you don't know why but you just have to be with me?'' I was really starting to hate this whole pheromone thing.

He blinked, nearly smiled. ''Not exactly.''
I blinked back. ''Oh.'' Damn it, he was even more attractive when he didn't seem particularly affected by my questionable charms. ''Well, who are you then?''
''Helios-Ra,'' he answered, his tone clipped.
''Yeah, we got that.''
''Your name?'' Dad scowled.
''Kieran Black.''

''Since when has Helios-Ra been on our trail? Last time I checked, we had a treaty. We don't eat humans, so you don't bother us and we don't bother you.''

My Mom snorted. She hated the treaty. She preferred fighting, being much more skilled with weapons that tact, but my Dad was all about practicality and the long view. He'd made the treaty before my oldest brother was born, determined to give his children a chance. He didn't want us being harassed and followed about by the league just because we're vampires. After all vampires aren't all good or all bad, any more than humans are. But try telling that to the Helios-Ra. They only recently admitted that being a vampire wasn't a good enough reason to be killed on sight. Still old traditions die hard with them, almost as hard as with us.

But our family, at least, had a good reputation. We mostly drink animal blood, only resorting to human blood if it's consensual or if we're ill and can't heal without it. If that fails a quick break-in at the blood bank works well enough. We've never gone feral; the disease has been in our bloodline too many centuries for that, and every generation is born stronger than the last. It's not easy dying, even if you know you're going to wake up afterward. And it's even harder controlling the bloodthirst. Still, hardly any of us go mad anymore during the turning. I had to remind myself of that little fact every time I looked at the calendar to see my birthday edging closer and closer. Lucy nudged me.

''You're looking morose,'' she said under the breath. ''You're thinking about it again.''

I turned my attention back to the matter at hand. I couldn't afford to get sidetracked with self-pity or by the fact that this particular Helios-Ra agent was really good-looking, with his dark eyes and strong cheekbones.

''Things change,'' he said, ''You should know. You broke the treaty.''
Mom's eyes narrowed dangerously.

''I beg your pardon?'' she said, soft as a mouse near a sleeping cat.

Uh-oh. Mom was big on that whole honor thing.
''Big mistake,'' Lucy said pleasantly. She was a lot more bloodthirsty than I was, ironically enough. She would have made a better vampire than me. I shot her a look.

''What?'' she asked innocently. ''He was after you, he deserves it.''
Nicholas barely turned his head. ''Do you two mind?''
''Yeah, yeah,'' she muttered.

Mom stepped up close enough that Kieran was sweating a little and breathing as shallowly as he could. Our pheromones when we were distracting mortals to drink was nothing compared with the pheromones when we were angry. His entire body was probably flooding with adrenaline, trying to decide between fight or flight. I couldn't sense it yet, but soon enough I'd be able to taste it on my tongue like champagne bubbles. It wasn't a particularly comforting thought.

''Are you accusing us of breaking an oath?'' Mom's voice was like broken glass- glittery and dangerous. Beside her, Sebastian bared his teeth. His fangs were retracted, but still, there was something too sharp about his teeth. He barely spoke, even to us, and his silence was terrifying to those who didn't know him.

''It's common knowledge.''
''Is it?''
''Drakes,'' he spat. ''I know better than to trust any of you.''
Byron, one of the dogs, growled. Quinn smiled.

''Let me talk to him,'' he suggested. There was always something slightly violent about his smiles. Dad held up his hand. Quinn subsided but barely.

Mornings were always quiet in the Drake household, even with nearly twenty people stuffed into its tiny rooms and narrow halls. Sunlight sparkled at the windows, made of some sort of treated glass. Ancient vampires can stand sunlight though they never really love it, but it dangerously weakens the younger ones, who haven't a chance to build up an immunity. I never took sunlight for granted now, or my ability to eat every meal with cutlery. Through, aside form the whole blood thing, the Drakes were very civilized. They used glasses and goblets, not plastic blood bags.

Lady Natasha, by all accounts, was not civilized. She'd been Montmartre's second-in-command and his lover. When he'd tired of her, she allied herself with a powerful vampire family. She knew the customs of the vampires, the Hosts, and the Hounds, and she was determined to bring them all together under her leadership. Biases ran deeply though, and so far she hadn't managed to unite them. It wasn't for an altruistic motive like ending what was basically a civil war; it was all about the power for her. And possibly sticking it to Montmartre.

I'd seen the roses with his name on them.
They didn't bode well. He clearly wanted a Drake daughter to give him vampire babies- and the power of the council and the royal courts if Solange really did take them over. He wanted it all.

Lady Natasha, who wanted him as much as she wanted power, wouldn't be too keen on any part of that plan.
If only vampire politics were on high school history exams, I'd be all set.
Solange was still asleep, curled around the sunbeams falling on her pillow. I'd already noticed that she was sleeping later and later. I was starting to get nervous for her. Everyone else seemed to think it was a totally normal part of the change. I pulled a sweater on over my nightgown and added thick socks. It was always freezing in the Drake house, no matter the time of year. I went straight to the kitchen to make myself some tea and toast. No one else was awake. I ate my breakfast and then took my tea with me as I wandered through the house.

In my sleep-dazed state, I'd actually forgotten about Kieran, tied to a sturdy chair in one of the parlors. I froze, cup halfway to my mouth. His eyes were intent, curious, edgy. I might not like his attitude, but I guessed I'd be edgy too if I was tied up in a vampire's house. Especially if I was a brainwashed Helios-Ra agent. The gag was loose around his neck, lying next to his nose plugs. In daylight I noticed he was wearing black jeans and a black shirt, with bare straps where Helena had removed his weapons.

''You look like you belong in a bad comic book,'' I told him cheerfully.
He stared at me. ''You really aren't bothered by the whole vampire thing, are you?''

I shrugged. ''Whatever.'' It was obvious he didn't know what to make of me. I approached curiously. I'd never actually seen a Helios-Ra agent before. I wondered what the fuss was about. He was barely older than we were. His hands were lashed loosely at the wrists so he could move them a little, but his shoulders were tied tighter to the chair back. He wore steel-toed army boots, also attached tightly at the ankles. ''What did the Drakes do that's got you all pissy?''

''Pissy? Did you just call me pissy?''
''I call 'em how I see 'em.''
''You are the weirdest girl.''
''From the guy who thinks he's a secret agent man.''
''You should take the Helios-Ra more seriously,'' he warned me. I smiled at him with very little humor. ''I don't take direction well.'' I raised my eyebrows. ''So? What's with the vendetta?''

His jaw clenched. ''I told you.''
''I'm sorry your dad died. But you can't blame all vampires for the actions of one.'' I tried to sound reasonable, calming. My mom was a natural at that sort of thing. Me? Not so much. ''That's called racism.''

''They're not human.''
''That's so beside the point.''
He gaped at me. ''What?''
''And besides, the Drakes are human, or were mostly. And they've never gone all rogue and fangy on the general populace. Don't they teach you anything at that hotshot secret academy?''

''How did you know about the academy?'' He was trying not to look startled.
''Please. It's kind of obvious.''
''I understand exactly,'' I said.
''They've brainwashed you.''
''Hey, you're the one in some kind of hunter cult.''
He narrowed his eyes. ''This isn't a joke, Lucy. The Drakes killed my father.''
''They did not.''
''You don't even know who my father is.''
''I know you're an idiot.''
He looked at me for a long silent moment as if he was searching for something. Then he looked at my cup.
''Can I have a sip?'' he asked. ''I haven't had anything to drink all night.''

I didn't trust him, obviously. He'd scaled several fences and snuck onto a heavily guarded vampire land with less than polite intentions. Still, it was only tea. How dangerous could that be? I stepped closer. I lifted the cup to his lips and he drank gratefully.

''I'm sorry,'' he whispered, smiling sadly. He slipped his right hand under his left cuff and there was a small cracking sound and a puff that looked like powdered sugar from a vial sewn into his sleeve. The heavy scents of chocolate and lilies hung between us. It made me want to sneeze.

''I'm pretty much immune to vampire pheromones,'' I informed him loftily, crossing my arms.
He didn't look disappointed or defeated.
''You're not immune to this blend,'' he said.
''Yes, I am. I don't know what you think'' The room wavered slightly, like I was seeing it through heat waves coming off asphalt. ''What the hell?''

Another puff of powder.
''This is a special blend.'' He sounded briefly apologetic. ''No one can resist it for long.''

''You're not going to get away with this.'' All the colors looked weird, as if they were full of light. The red of the velvet drapes looked as if it were dripping blood. ''I'll scream.'' I opened my mouth.
''You will not scream,'' he said calmly.
I closed my mouth. The taste of cocoa and flowers made me gag. There was something else laced under the flavors, but I couldn't place it. Licorice, whiskey, something. I felt faint, befuddled. And underneath the vagueness, fiery anger.

Kissed by Vampire Chapter 3


"I can't believe you were actually going to just leave her there," I grumbled again as Logan pulled into our lane, which was over grown with hedges. The unnatural glint of unnatural eyes had faded, and there was nothing but ripe blackberries and crickets in the bushes. Not only was our farm well protected, but it was also surrounded by other family farms, with forest surrounding all of them. Drakes have lived in this area since it was considered wild and dangerous, best left to gunslingers and outlaws. Now it was just home.

But dangerous all the same.

"She was fine," Nicholas said testily. "She was safe as soon as we got you away from her." He only ever called her "she," expect to her face, when he called her Lucky because it annoyed her so much. They'd been getting on each other's nerves since we were kids. There was a family joke that Lucy's first words were, "Nicholas is bugging me." I could't remember ever not knowing her. She'd drawn me out of my shell, even when we were little,though it wasn't until my fifth birthday that I'd started calling her my best friend, after she threw a mud ball at Nicholas's head for stealing my chocolate cupcake. We'd learned to ride bikes together and liked the same movies and talked all night whenever we had slumber parties.

"She was fine," Nicholas insisted, catching my glare. "Despite being reckless."

"She was just trying to help me."

"She's human," he said, as if it were a debilitating disease, as if he wasn't human as well, despite the bloodchange. We aren't undead, like the horror novels say, through we definitely look it during our transformation. That particular stereotype clings so deeply that sometimes it's easier to embrace it. Lucy's mom calls us "differently abled."

"And you're a jerk." I touched his sleeve. "But thanks for coming to get me."

"You're welcome," he muttered. "You know you shouldn't let her talk you into stuff. It never turns out well."

"I know. But you know how Lucy is. And she meant well."

He grunted. Logan grinned.

"She's getting cuter. Especially from behind."

"She is not," Nicholas said. "And quit looking at her butt."

I was so totally going to tell Lucy they'd been talking about her butt.

"You're such an old man," Logan said scornfully, turning off the ignition. "We have all this power. We should use it."

"Flirting in not a power," I told him drily.

"It is if you're good at it. And I'm very good at it."

"So you keep telling us."

"Being charming's my gift," he said modestly. No one else could have pulled off such an old-fashioned shirt with lace cuffs and such a pretty face. The pheromones that vampires emit like a dangerous perfume keep humans enticed and befuddled with longing, and Logan's are especially well tuned. They don't have an actual smell that can be described, expect lately in my case. It's more subliminal than that, with the power to hypnotize. Kind of like the way wild animals can smell each other out in the forest, especially during mating season. If a vampire is particularly strong, humans don't even remember being a meal; they just have a craving for rare steak or spinach. If we drink too much, they become anemic.

The pheromones don't work on other vampires, except, of course, for mine, which are rapidly becoming a beacon for all of vampire kind. I'm special, and not in a good way, if you ask me. Vampires are rarely born, expect in certain ancient families.... Exhibit A, me and my seven obnoxious older brothers. But I'm the only girl. In about nine hundred years.

And the closer I get to my sixteenth birthday, the more I attract the others to me. It's all very Snow White, except I don't call bluebirds and deer out of the woods only bloodthirsty vampires who want to kidnap me or kill me. Vampire politics are messy at best, and all Drakes have been exiled from the royal court since the very hour I was born. I'm considered a threat to the current ruler, Lady Natasha, because my genealogy is so impressive and because there's some stupid prophecy from centuries ago that says the vampire tribes will be properly united under the rule of a daughter born to an ancient family.

And Lady Natasha, unlike me, wasn't born into an ancient family even if she considers herself to be the reigning vampire queen.

Luckily, my family much prefers living in quiet exile in the woods. I'd  heard enough rumors about our ruler to be glad we'd never actually met. She feeds off humans and is barely circumspect about it; in fact, she loves the attention and the vampire groupies. She apparently doesn't like pretty young girls; they never seem to survive her mood swings.

Technically, she shouldn't be feeding off humans, and certainly not so nonchalanty. It was becoming an issue, even among her own people. There are royalists who follow her just because she's so powerful, not because they particularly respect her. Fear, as always, is a great motivator.

And lately she's been turning more and more humans into vampires, in order to gather more followers. The council makes her nervous, and I make her nervous, but most of all Leander Montmartre makes her nervous. He has that affect on all of us. He's been turning humans for nearly three hundred years now and he's so violent and careless about it, he's basically created a new breed of vampire.

"I can't believe you were actually going to just leave her there," I grumbled again as Logan pulled into our lane, which was over grown with hedges. The unnatural glint of unnatural eyes had faded, and there was nothing but ripe blackberries and crickets in the bushes. Not only was our farm well protected, but it was also surrounded by other family farms, with forest surrounding all of them. Drakes have lived in this area since it was considered wild and dangerous, best left to gunslingers and outlaws. Now it was just home.

But dangerous all the same.

"She was fine," Nicholas said testily. "She was safe as soon as we got you away from her." He only ever called her "she," expect to her face, when he called her Lucky because it annoyed her so much. They'd been getting on each other's nerves since we were kids. There was a family joke that Lucy's first words were, "Nicholas is bugging me." I could't remember ever not knowing her. She'd drawn me out of my shell, even when we were little,though it wasn't until my fifth birthday that I'd started calling her my best friend, after she threw a mud ball at Nicholas's head for stealing my chocolate cupcake. We'd learned to ride bikes together and liked the same movies and talked all night whenever we had slumber parties.

"She was fine," Nicholas insisted, catching my glare. "Despite being reckless."

"She was just trying to help me."

"She's human," he said, as if it were a debilitating disease, as if he wasn't human as well, despite the bloodchange. We aren't undead, like the horror novels say, through we definitely look it during our transformation. That particular stereotype clings so deeply that sometimes it's easier to embrace it. Lucy's mom calls us "differently abled."

"And you're a jerk." I touched his sleeve. "But thanks for coming to get me."

"You're welcome," he muttered. "You know you shouldn't let her talk you into stuff. It never turns out well."

"I know. But you know how Lucy is. And she meant well."

He grunted. Logan grinned.

"She's getting cuter. Especially from behind."

"She is not," Nicholas said. "And quit looking at her butt."

I was so totally going to tell Lucy they'd been talking about her butt.

"You're such an old man," Logan said scornfully, turning off the ignition. "We have all this power. We should use it."

"Flirting in not a power," I told him drily.

"It is if you're good at it. And I'm very good at it."

"So you keep telling us."

"Being charming's my gift," he said modestly. No one else could have pulled off such an old-fashioned shirt with lace cuffs and such a pretty face. The pheromones that vampires emit like a dangerous perfume keep humans enticed and befuddled with longing, and Logan's are especially well tuned. They don't have an actual smell that can be described, expect lately in my case. It's more subliminal than that, with the power to hypnotize. Kind of like the way wild animals can smell each other out in the forest, especially during mating season. If a vampire is particularly strong, humans don't even remember being a meal; they just have a craving for rare steak or spinach. If we drink too much, they become anemic.

The pheromones don't work on other vampires, except, of course, for mine, which are rapidly becoming a beacon for all of vampire kind. I'm special, and not in a good way, if you ask me. Vampires are rarely born, expect in certain ancient families.... Exhibit A, me and my seven obnoxious older brothers. But I'm the only girl. In about nine hundred years.

And the closer I get to my sixteenth birthday, the more I attract the others to me. It's all very Snow White, except I don't call bluebirds and deer out of the woods only bloodthirsty vampires who want to kidnap me or kill me. Vampire politics are messy at best, and all Drakes have been exiled from the royal court since the very hour I was born. I'm considered a threat to the current ruler, Lady Natasha, because my genealogy is so impressive and because there's some stupid prophecy from centuries ago that says the vampire tribes will be properly united under the rule of a daughter born to an ancient family.

And Lady Natasha, unlike me, wasn't born into an ancient family even if she considers herself to be the reigning vampire queen.

Luckily, my family much prefers living in quiet exile in the woods. I'd  heard enough rumors about our ruler to be glad we'd never actually met. She feeds off humans and is barely circumspect about it; in fact, she loves the attention and the vampire groupies. She apparently doesn't like pretty young girls; they never seem to survive her mood swings.

Technically, she shouldn't be feeding off humans, and certainly not so nonchalanty. It was becoming an issue, even among her own people. There are royalists who follow her just because she's so powerful, not because they particularly respect her. Fear, as always, is a great motivator.

And lately she's been turning more and more humans into vampires, in order to gather more followers. The council makes her nervous, and I make her nervous, but most of all Leander Montmartre makes her nervous. He has that affect on all of us. He's been turning humans for nearly three hundred years now and he's so violent and careless about it, he's basically created a new breed of vampire.

Kissed by Vampire Chapter 1


When I woke up, Lucy was muttering to herself. It wasn't unsuual but there was a particularly strident truth to it, more than was ordinary the result of her impatience with her our slow internet connection. The several forms comparising the dark, compound, nearly thousand ocurs, some without any power source. Our house was lucky to have satellite sevice, even it is meant our connevtion suffrerd when it was a cloudy day somewhere else on the continent.

I'd need a calculator to figure out how many time I got woken up to her yelling at my computer. Patience was not one of Lucy's finer qualities. I struggled deeper into the nest of blankets. The sun seemed little to bright and lucy started watching sex videos and and miss her school. Lucy loves to watch sex all the time.

Lucy is using DU sim card, unfortunately she doesn't know to to change her number to Etisalat. She met a guy who working nearby, She gone to him and before she says anything, that guy just told him the stuff He was sold, Lucy's dream come ture. He was doing du numbers into etisalat. Lucy gave her id to him. Then she got her mnp sim card. Lucy also like that guy. She gave her number to that guy.

Lucy didn't get any call from that guy, after few days, she called  . Lucy ask him out. He agreed, Lucy invited me at dinner. I was little nervous, I took some flowers for her. I thought it was family dinner, but I can't decide what to took over. I rang the bell, Lucy open the door and told me to come over into the dinning area. i pardoned he for been so late and clumsy.

Her house is like some palace from disney movies. It was so huge, There was noone in the house besides me and her. We ate, drink, talked and laugh. After that, she took to her bedroom. I was little curious, why she wanna show me her bedroom, "why so fas?" was the question covering my mind. I got in her bedroom. We was talking all night long in her bed, It was 3:25 am. Lucy start feeling tired. She wanted me to stay. She ask me for a sleep over. I couldn't refuse her, She was looking so sexy and horny.

There was no other explanation. I just need more sleep. Because I did feel more tired, as if keeping my eyes open was becoming a ridiculusly difficult task. on par with alogrthms and Hyacinth's needlepoint. When I woke up again her room.My stomach grambled loudly, I fealt better rested and clearly hungry. Maybe I did make myself waffles blueberry syrup. I already have one swyp under my name how can I get another one that is the question came into my mind when I start eating waffles.

The house was still quiet, the sun had not rise yet.  Her day could stay up all day and could even sit outside shady tree, but today she knew, he'd be on the phone with every operative and vamp he knew, and mom was probably talking inventary of the weapons, She wasn't very strong during the day yet, but she whouldn't be able to still not.

Aunt Fuk's room were pretty much expect what you would expect from a lady who still mourned queen victoria's death, and the effect said queen is a fuk cnt.

I woke up her bra was on my mouth my hand was on her boobs she was fully naked and i was on her top.that is is best day ever since i joined Etisalat.she wolked up suddenly she kissed my and put mine into her,s then i start again i pumped some few times, she mourned like no iother girl. i cum in side her i kissed her few times i was so tired i do,nt want to do any MNP that da a night with her i would,t bare to look any bangali. 

I came home early revery every one was sleeping except one guy who was typing. i knew the only guy up this early non other then  my friend Kashi. he was my friend he knew that i came at home 7 o clock in the morning so he askied me wherw i have been all night long. then i sett with him all the storry. he keeps  typing  looked at his laptop he was typing my story on internet. then i said him to check what he wrote all the words 

How to Handle a Manager
Most problems in the workplace stem from bad communication. Therefore, if you can improve the communication flow between you and your manager, you must need to show some extraordinary talent The fact of the matter is that most managers could d be better communicators. But they are not always aware of it.They are under the impression that their expectations and goals trickle down to their staff. Most managers think that you should have clear idea of the company and where you fit into, In order to give a useful lesson to your to your manager you need to improve your productivity of your work, bad listening skills are often created annoying trait to the managers.